Unsung Podcast

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Episode 169 - Dumb Flesh by Blanck Mass w/ Vicki


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Friend of the pod and very nice chap Benjamin John Power used to make music as part of a duo under the name of Fuck Buttons. However, since 2010 he’s been banging out some solo stuff under the moniker Blanck Mass and boy howdy is it some goooooood shit.

In order to dismiss accusations of nepotism, and with Dave away moving house this week, we asked our other good friend of the pod Vicki to pick an album. This was her choice. Naturally we could not decline.

Our second ever interview was with Ben, and you can find all three parts of that chat here, here and here. As a result we don’t talk much about influences and such like as he more than covers that in his interview.

In this episode we talk about Ben’s career as Blanck Mass, chat a little about his past in Fuck Buttons and then go through each of his albums to decide if his second album Dumb Flesh is indeed the most unsung. What transpires as a delightful conversation about the unsettling, often strange atmosphere in his music, and we also highlight the superb attention to detail in both the production and songwriting across his entire catalogue.

Granted, after All Pigs Must Die, this marks two weeks on the bounce where we’ve did intense, malevolent music but hey, it’s our party and we’ll make everyone feel regularly ill at ease if we want to.

Is Dumb Flesh worthy of a place in our discography? You decide.

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