Unsung Podcast

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Episode 191 - Dreams in the Rat House by Shannon and the Clams /w Anna Goldthorp


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Our good pal Anna Goldthorp joins us this week and takes us into a genre of music we have not yet covered with Shannon and the Clams’ third album, Dreams in the Rat House.

Hailing from Oakland, Shannon and the Clams are part of a rather deep, and popular, retro garage rock revival scene. They’ve been going since 2009 and have six albums in that time to critical acclaim. The band themselves are very well respected in this scene, and the boys had really great fun immersing themselves in an entire genre of music they’d never really explored before. A genre which is somewhere between 60s do-wop, RnB, garage rock, psychedelia and rockabilly.

There’s a lot to be said about this genre - and believe us, we do say a lot about it - but what’s pretty clear is that when it comes to recreating that 1960s feel, Shannon and the Clams stand head and shoulders above their peers.

The resulting conversation covers a lot of ground, which is why this episode is a bit of a bumper edition because when Anna is about, we can’t help but have a good old chinwag. In this episode we talk about the death of the American dream, Elvis Presley, the allegations around Burger Records, beauty standards in music, David Lynch, punk rock melancholia and way more besides.

So do come with us on the journey, and at the end voice your opinion as to whether you think Dreams in the Rat House is an unsung classic by voting in our poll below.

Next week - MORE GUESTS!

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