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Episode 44 - Independent Worm Saloon by Butthole Surfers


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There are screeds and screeds dedicated to the Butthole Surfers. For most of their career they were a law unto themselves musically, and for a large part of their early career they were also a law unto themselves physically. Their 80s gigs are the stuff of legend, such was the level of disregard for human decency and safety.

Yet most stories are bookended with just how good they were live. Not because of their on-stage antics - although we can imagine slight/massive fear for one’s health or life would certainly heighten the experience of seeing them - but because of how well they managed to play and sound in amongst the whirling maelstrom of noise, limbs, fire and nakedness that they brought to every venue they stumbled into.

For the most part their records straddle the line between awesome genre bending songwriting and outright no-fucks-given avant-garde nonsense. And when we say nonsense we mean it in the very truest sense of the word. They were a band unconcerned with trends, and at many points, completely unconcerned with traditional songwriting in general.

On this episode Chris picks their album Independent Worm Saloon because he feels it is the album where the Butthole Surfers embrace the tuneful directness that they frequently toyed with on previous records, whilst still maintaining their patented weirdness. Weaver reckons that Locust Abortion Technician is a better representation of the real Butthole Surfers, whilst Mark agrees with Chris.

We dive deep into their history and discography here, so the episode is a little longer than usual but it’s also a lot of fun. Is this their best record? Only you can decide. Vote on our Facebook page below.
