Unsung Podcast

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Episode 58 - From the Choirgirl Hotel by Tori Amos (Side A)


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Every time we sit down to talk about an artist with a rather extensive back catalogue things end up escalating into a mammoth career retrospective. Yet, despite being fully aware of this we decided to try to talk about Tori Amos’ career in a brief, but thorough way, only to find that, by the time we had finished recording, the whole bloody thing ended up being a rather unwieldy 2 hours long.

So, to spare both your sanity and ours, we decided to split this episode into two parts and put them out a week apart because hey, who doesn’t like a cliffhanger?

Chris, unabashed Tori Amos fanboy, decided that her fourth album ‘From the Choirgirl Hotel’ was perhaps the most interesting overlooked album from her storied 25 year plus career, and put it forward for consideration for our discography.

As an artist with 15 albums, the challenge was finding one which retained some of the classic, Tori Amos sound but pushed it in new, exciting ways, yet was still underappreciated. This was Chris’ choice.

Despite our best efforts to keep things brief, the episode ended up ballooning and as a result part one focuses almost exclusively on her entire back catalogue. Sadly, it means that the Dave Grohl Nexus is missing this week as it falls over onto next week’s episode, but despite that omission we’re confident you’ll enjoy this whistle stop tour of one of this fascinating, eccentric artist.

We’ll see you next week for the vote.

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