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Episode 69 - Horse of the Dog by The Eighties Matchbox B-Line Disaster


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If you’re of a certain age, like your three esteemed hosts, there’s a fair chance you’ve heard the name The Eighties Matchbox B-Live Disaster. The smashed their way into the music press with this, their debut album, and a reputation for chaotic, enthralling on stage antics that captured the attention of music lovers and press alike.

They also happened to pop onto the scene at the same time as a bunch of scuzzy garage rock bands, of which they sound absolutely nothing like. They arrived with the plaudits and credibility that some of those bands, like The Datsuns or The D4, hadn’t really shown.

What’s more, their sound was just weird compared to what was going on at the time. They turned up, kicked the shit out of everyone, and stuck around to watch the scene pick up the pieces and vanish into the distance.

And their reputation certainly wasn’t harmed by their strange look, either.

‘Horse of the Dog’ heralded the arrival of a truly strange, unique band who would later go on to release a further two albums which saw them showcase the whole gamut of their weirdness, moving away from bluesy, gothic psychobilly, to punk n roll, scuzzy desert rock and eclectic psyche.

On this episode Chris lays bare his adoration for the band, and we cover the band’s back cat, talk about some of the weird support slots they picked up over their career, do a potted history of psychobilly and much more.

We might also have irreparably damaged the Dave Grohl Nexus…

Is ‘Horse of the Dog’ the best 80s Matchbox album? Vote below.

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