Episode 26 - 'Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend! by Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Godspeed You! Black Emperor don't really do brevity. They do epic, sweeping, often joyous, always elaborate, suites of music that are designed to move you. They're thorough, crafting songs with painstaking attention to detail.

In keeping with the spirit of the band, we thought we'd do the same, so we present to your our longest episode yet. But trust us when we say that it's probably up there with our most interesting listens.

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Episode 21 - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született by Venetian Snares

Aaron Funk has released a vertiable shed load of albums throughout his illustrious career. This, his 15th, is considered his definitive work. Weaver brings it to the table and tries to convince Mark and Chris that it is worthy of inclusion in our discography? Does he succeed? Find out by tuning. Then, after you’ve listened, tell us if you agree by voting on Facebook!

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The Nu Metal Mixtape

It's a bonus episode! A BONUS EPISODE! We're not going to do this very often, mostly because this was actually made for subscribers only, but we enjoyed this so much we felt it'd make a fine bonus episode! We talk about nu metal, pick three albums we think are important, and ask you guys to vote which one goes into our discography.

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