Episode 250 - The History of Queens of the Stone Age


Wow, 250 episodes. That’s crazy. It’s definitely more than that, but as actual episodes go, it’s rather a lot. Especially when you realise that most podcast don’t even make it to 8 episodes…

As is our new year tradition, after our regular Christmas shenanigans tanked our numbers (it’s by the fans for the fans, after all) we always come back BIG and this year we’re going to be discussing Queens of the Stone Age’s fourth album Lullabies to Paralyse.

But before we get into that, and the band’s entire discography, it’s only fair that we give this band’s history a good once over. So on this week’s episode we talk about the band, its many members, Josh Homme himself, his biography, the controversies and just about everything in between as we attempt to give a good overview of the history of the Queens of the Stone Age.