Episode 195 - Caught Up by Millie Jackson (Side B) w/ Crag Carrick


What you hear in this second episode is the sounds of three people getting gradually drunker whilst a Scottish ex-pat in Australia looks on aghast. Yes, whilst, much like last week we were all jazzed to talk about Caught Up by Millie Jackson, and her career, the night was getting long and it’s well past 1am local time as we record this one.

If you thought the first part sound merry then hoo boy, do you have a treat in store for this episode.

It’s also pretty fucking hilarious too.

One of our very first subscribers, and the man with a whole tier named after him on our Patreon, Crag Carrack joins again us this week. He’s currently doing a radio show over in Australia and Chris has featured on it a couple of times. Be sure to check it out if you like good banter and tunes.

This week we talk about Millie’s career in some depth. When we say “some” we do mean some - she’s released a lot of albums, which mean there’s a lot of stuff to cover.

So this week, we pick some highlights from her storied, weird and wild career before diving right into Caught Up itself. A wonderful example of mid 70s soul and RnB.

She is, in our opinion, an unsung artist. Does this album deserve a place in our discography of unsung classics? You decide. Vote below.