Total Catastrophe - An Unsung Unepisode


Let's get down to brass tacks here, folks, there is no episode this week. Last week, Chris was subject to a randsomware attack which has unfortunately resulted in a complete loss of data from his laptop. In fact, it has rendered his entire laptop unusable. Not only that, but they gained access to all his accounts, and even our shared Dropbox folder, where the hackers also ruined all the files on it. 

Chris uses his laptop not just for this podcast, but also for music and, crucially, for work. We do have the files for what was supposed to be this week's episode backed up, but without a laptop and editing software, it's unclear when we'll be back up and running.

We know times are tough right now, but if you've got a little cash and fancy putting your hand in your pocket to help donate towards a new laptop for Chris, hit up our PayPal donate page at

Hopefully be back next week, but if not, see you soon!